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Interior Climate Control and Maintenance

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Trinidad and Tobago

Arima, Arima Old Road.

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There was a time not too long ago when home and business owners alike would only replace an air conditioning unit when its very old or near the end of it’s useful life. Today, decisions are being made differently given the many replacement options available on the market. Other motivating factors often include energy saving, indoor environmental control, noise pollution and the planet.

The air conditioning service provider’s foremost concern is to help customers find the unit that best suit their desired comfort levels as well as lifestyle factors. In making the pitch for the replacement sale of a unit the service provider should not only sell comfort but must do a careful analyses of each customers’ need by looking beyond the temperature and consider other factors like humidity control , cleanliness of the environment and energy efficiency.

Before replacing the system, the service provider should not assume that the old system and connected ducting ( if applicable) was adequately sized to meet the cooling or air distribution requirement of the space. A proper heat load and air flow evaluation should be done to ensure the the new system can adequately meet the cooling demands thereby assuring the sustainable and trouble-free operation of the new system. Additionally, the building’s envelop should be sealed to prevent any unwanted moisture-laden warm air from entering the space, Spaces under doors, windows, walls or ceilings allow moisture laden air to add sensible and latent heat to the indoor environment making the system work harder and consume more energy to achieve the expected cooling outcome.

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