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Interior Climate Control and Maintenance

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Trinidad and Tobago

Arima, Arima Old Road.

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Well, It depends.  The frequency in which the unit should be checked and serviced by a qualified professional depend on a few factors:

  1. Frequency of usage – number of running hours per day.
  2. Cleanliness of the environment in which the unit serves
  3. Amount of air infiltration from other spaces including outside
  4. Indoor environment factors including ( Pets, Carpet, type of activity within the space, etc.) 
  5. outdoor environment factor including ( dust, traffic etc.)

On average, by the 3 – 4 month of frequent usage ( 5 – 7 days x 5 -7hours per week) the system would be ready for an inspection and service. In some cases, depending on the environment or frequency of usage every 1 – 2 months or sometimes twice a year may be considered but be aware that the longer the system is allowed to operate without being serviced usually mean that the system will likely consume more energy during operation, be at greater risk for breakdowns and may negatively impact the indoor environment’s indoor air quality.

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